Anne Søjbjerg wins PhD Cup
Anne Søjbjerg took home the award for best PhD presentation at the annual meeting of the Danish College of General Practitioners. She won for her oral presentation of the problem-solving method, which is based on her PhD project at Aarhus Graduate School of Health.

The Danish College of General Practitioners celebrated their annual meeting on 4 October 2024 in Kolding, Denmark. Several researchers from the Research Unit for General Practice in Aarhus participated. Ina Grønkjær Laugesen served as moderator, Anne Søjbjerg participated in PhD Cup 2024, and Sophie Ascanius Felding Goul and Anne Sofie Baymler Lundberg presented their PhD projects in the poster session.
Four contestants
This year, the battle for the PhD Cup was fought between Sofie Gjessing (Aalborg) with the presentation "Who wants to be a general practitioner?", Anne Søjbjerg (Aarhus) with "Healthy mind: the problem-solving method", Pernille Hølmkjær (Copenhagen) with "Improved treatment with psychotropic medication for people with dementia in nursing homes", and Mie Kusk Søndergaard (Odense) with her presentation on "Neither too tight nor too weak - at work with the abdomen".
Aarhus wins for the fourth time in a row
After a 4-minute presentation from each of the four contestants, the winner was chosen by a vote among meeting participants. Anne Søjberg won for her presentation on the Healthy Mind project and the problem-solving method. The presentation was based on her PhD project, which she will soon complete at the Research Unit for General Practice and the Department of Public Health at Aarhus University.
The PhD Cup competition is held every year at the annual meeting of the Danish College of General Practitioners, and each of the four Danish research environments in general practice is presented by a speaker. This was the fourth time in a row that the PhD Cup was won by the research community in Aarhus.
Winners of PhD Cup
- 2021: Jonas Fynboe Ebert with ”The emergency button”
- 2022: Susanne Boel Graversen with ”Hospital admission for pneumonia”
- 2023: Troels Græsholt-Knudsen with ”Children and violence”
- 2024: Anne Søjbjerg with ”Healthy mind: the problem-solving method”