Rasmus Østergaard Nielsen


Associate Professor

Primary affiliation

Rasmus Østergaard Nielsen

Areas of expertise

  • Sports injuries
  • Social Prescribing
  • Physical Activity
  • Running

Contact information

Email address


As an epidemiologist, I primarily work with causal inference. In my work, I focus mainly on the causes of sports injuries and how we can encourage more Danes to be physically active through social prescriptions from general practice. I have a background in physiotherapy and have previously worked in clinical practice.


My research domain is physical activity with a particular focus on the causes of sports injuries and social prescribing. My research group is named MOVE. The vision for MOVE is that Danish general practice can increasingly use physical activity to promote public health.

Read more about MOVE and our research strategy here: http://feap.au.dk/forskning/move

Teaching activities

I teach basic epidemiology and advanced epidemiology in the programs of Sports Science and Public Health Science at Aarhus University. Additionally, I teach the course Physical Training and Training Planning in Sports Science, focusing on how to write a scientific article.

Job responsibilities

My primary areas of work include research-based teaching, my own research, and leading a research group, as well as collaborating with public and private stakeholders. I have a value-based approach to my role as a research leader, as it should be enjoyable to go to work when you are part of my research group

Selected publications

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