I am an associate professor at Aarhus University with a background in sports research. My research focuses on how physical activity and health initiatives can strengthen local communities, particularly through health promotion, co-creation, and systems thinking. Additionally, I teach and engage in local volunteer work.
I am passionate about creating knowledge through collaboration with society. I believe knowledge is stronger when developed with those it affects. That’s why I involve citizens, organizations, and students in research. Combining an participatory approach with systems thinking makes health promotion more relevant. Since my Ph.D. in 2017, I have specialized in this and see it as a key path forward.
I draw inspiration from learning theory, motivation theory, and psychology, particularly ideas about democracy, experimentation, and collaboration. I am influenced by thinkers such as John Dewey and Kurt Lewin, as well as theories of social learning, like Lave & Wenger's communities of practice. In my teaching, I prioritize openness, creativity, and community, as I believe these are essential for effective learning and communication.
I collaborate with a range of international partners, including DECIPHer from Cardiff, Wales, Glasgow Caledonian University, Scotland, and Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia.
Additionally, I have strong national collaborators, such as the Steno Diabetes Centers in Denmark, the Center for Clinical Prevention and Research at Bispebjerg Hospital, several municipalities and regions, as well as the University of Copenhagen, the University of Southern Denmark, and Aalborg University.
I advise Danish sports organizations such as DGI and the Danish Sports Confederation on specific issues related to well-being, physical inactivity, and movement.
I research how initiatives in physical activity, well-being, and mental health can strengthen public health, with a particular focus on health promotion. I coordinate research projects, supervise students, apply for research funding, manage budgets, communicate results, and participate in debates. Additionally, I teach and supervise theses and Ph.D. students. I have also co-founded and serve as editor for the Scandinavian Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology.