I am a psychologist with a PhD from Aarhus University. I am employed as an associate professor at the Department of Public Health and Department of Clinical Medicine, where I teach communication at the medical school. I am also a senior researcher at the Research Unit for General Practice in Aarhus. My research focuses on well-being and burnout among general practitioners (GPs) in Denmark. I am one of the driving forces behind several nationwide surveys of GP job satisfaction and well-being. These studies have shown an increasing incidence of burnout among Danish GPs during the past two decades. This research has identified a number of risk factors for burnout and has emphasised the importance of addressing structural factors to improve the work environment in general practice. Moreover, my research focuses on doctor-patient communication, and I have participated in research showing that communication is important for patient safety in out-of-hours health services.
Anette Fischer Pedersen uses questionnaires and registers in her research. Furthermore, she has experience with analyses of audio recordings of doctor-patient consultations.